IBM z800 2066 And IBM z890 2086 In The Cloud
We offer three cloud remote compcuting alternatives for users who wish to preserve their IBM z800 2066 and IBM z890 2086 environments but no longer want to physically house their mainframe systems.
Your Machine In Our House We install your mainframe (or a replica of your mainframe) in our data center. (Our glass house has great connectivity, excellent power grid connections plus its own backup generator just in case, and terrific physical security. You have full remote access and it will be snappy (which we will happily demonstrate). If you get lonely, you can have physical access, too. We'll provide RAID storage in our disk arrays and a superior virtual tape solution. You'll have our operators on tap, and you will learn to enjoy their skills and diligence. All the usual extras, such as offsite backup archives, are always available. All you have to do is ask.
Your Machine In Our Machine We install your environment in a partition on one of our mainframes. Your storage will be on our RAID arrays and your backup on one of our virtual tape systems. Your work, your software and your data are isolated and protected by IBM's LPAR mechanism and secure software technologies. If you need more than one environment, for instance to separate production and development, that's easy. Your work will be done pretty much the way it's always been done. We'll try to give you better computer response than you ever had. You'll like our systems personnel and operators. They really know their stuff and they'll very quickly learn your stuff, too.
Part Of Your Machine In Our Machine We install your development environments (or any other minority environmenst) in a partition on one of our mainframes (or in a whole mainframe that is much smaller than your production platform). The economic benefits can be considerable because many compilers and other development tools are not available under a sub-capacity licensing plan. Your storage will be on our RAID arrays and your backup on one of our virtual tape systems. Your work, your software and your data are isolated and protected by IBM's LPAR mechanism and secure software technologies. Our superb systems staff understands the high importance of environments used for application development and maintenance.